Thursday 6 December 2012

News Story WEEK 10: Leveson Report

  • newspaper editors want to have independent watchdog to monitor press
  • David Cameron trying to push through a private deal with newspapers
  • National newspapers will implement 40 out of 47 recommendations made by Lord Justice Leveson
"I would support something in law to verify that the future press regulator is actually fit for purpose. I do not believe that this can be left entirely to the owners of newspapers." - Baroness Hollins (cross-bench peer in House of Lords)

I think the press has received enough chances in the past to fix its mistakes. The expected outcome of the Leveson inquiry was for a law regulating what can and can't be published -and how information is gathered for news columns. This is what Lord Justice Leveson has recommended. Some newspaper editors are arguing that this could destroy 'free press'. This could be the case but that may be a sacrifice that has to be made to protect people's privacy. I don't think newspapers can be trusted to handle themselves after the hacking scandal. And for David Cameron trying to make a private deal, I think he is just doing it for a free promotion come the next election.

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